Wow! Just got off an amazing call with Jeanette Bronée and a number of women from across the country who joined our Teleconference! Jeanette is is a Nourishment Counselor, a Certified Ericksonian Hypnotherapist and a Motivational Speaker. She is Board certified with the AADP from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, she is certified with Tom Monte in Integrative Compassionate Counseling and she has extensive training in Macrobiotic healing.

She ROCKED with inflammation information!

Here are a few tips from tonight’s call:
1 – Decrease inflammatory foods like animal fats, fried foods, dairy, sugar and white flour.
2 – Increase anti-inflammatory foods such as vegetables, especially those from the ‘green kingdom.’
3 – Decrease stress through movement, yoga and/or meditation.

What I loved about this session is Jeanette’s passion for helping people heal through foods. She helps neutralize the emotion around food by offering solid information that is palatable. ;) I’ll have a recording of this and be sure to let you know once we get it up on the site.

For more incredible nourishment information that is loving, compassionate and healing, be sure to visit Jeanette’s Food Blog. Thank you Jeanette and thank you to all the women who joined the call from the West Coast to New Hampshire and all through the tri-state area.  I’m sure we will do more of this in the New Year!