Being Present

A New York City good morning!

A New York City good morning!

Hello again! What an eventful summer this has been! Walking past store fronts I am already noticing fall apparel in the windows. As the heat begins to ebb many are looking toward the months to come and the changes they will bring. Here, an opportunity presents itself. Rather than looking down at your schedule today, take a look UP and feel the sunshine on your face. Each day brings an opportunity to stand with both feet rooted in the present moment (literally- standing is an activity of daily living)! So be here now! Take time today or on your Renew Day to let go of scheduling and be completely present.



On the Road…

NSA NYC Chapter in Philadelphia!

NSA NYC Chapter in Philadelphia

Community, education and entrepreneurial business knowledge: These make up the mission of the National Speakers Association (NSA). These building blocks of the NSA rang clearly throughout the halls of this year’s annual convention in Philadelphia.

My heart is full from the profound community I experienced there. It was both MOVING and full of movement– high fives, hugs and even dancing were in no short supply! I am proud to be a part of an organization that is so full of life and vision. I left the convention with clear eyes, steady breath and a full heart.

Speaking of community, just this past weekend was my 16th Annual Wellness Weekend in New Lebanon, NY. The theme this year was “Girls Just Want to Have Fun!” And we sure did!! With my tiara and tutus in tow we enjoyed a weekend of yoga, outdoor activities, round table discussions and more. We tracked sensations during our Breathe & Eat luncheon, and celebrated our uniqueness on Saturday evening’s Goddess Night! I am already looking forward to the 17th Annual Wellness Weekend, August 7-10, 2014. E-mail if you’d like to reserve your spot!



Industry Insight

Full, Fit & Fabulous!

Full, Fit & Fabulous!

The National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance (NAAFA) has spoken up about the AMA’s decision to label obesity a disease. NAAFA Advisory Board Member Dr. Deb Burgard commented that “this act furthers the ‘War on the Obese’ ” which she views as upholding economic interests above all else. The problem is that this view encourages doctors to have a different kind of relationship with overweight patients. Doctors visits may include even more prescriptions for those with fuller figures as a result of this AMA classification.

The concern here lies in whether or not exercise and nutritive needs are being met. While some women may find relief in their weight being called a “disease” instead of a “failure”– what about the full figured people who are physically fit? This could be particularly disarming for a healthy overweight person. This ruling could have an affect on patient/doctor relationships. I am also concerned about the proliferation of charlatans and weight loss hoaxes making false promises.

NAAFA came out and demanded both a REVERSAL of this decision and an “immediate roundtable discussion that includes higher-weight people from every community.” If you feel strongly about speaking up against this ruling, you can visit to sign the petition. If you’re on twitter like I am (@RochelleRice12) you can tweet using the hashtag #IAmNotADisease.

The Association for Size Diversity and Health (ASDAH) also condemned the AMA’s decision to rule obesity a disease. I am a member of both NAAFA and ASDAH and stand by their efforts to eliminate size discrimination.



Muscle of the Month

Picture 5

Rhomboid Muscles

The Rhomboid muscles are located on the upper back. They are responsible for connecting the shoulder blades to the vertebrae. To engage them, squeeze the shoulder blades like you are going to pinch a ball in between them. Imagine that they are drawing together to hug the spine. Think of it like hooking a bra behind your back (unless you’re a twirler)! As you do this, the shoulders will naturally roll back and there will be an opening across the chest.

A great benefit: Strengthening the rhomboids can provide more support for the breasts. Over time, this can alleviate the upper back pain often associated with having larger breasts.



Moving Forward

Annual Wellness Weekend in New Lebanon!

Annual Wellness Weekend in New Lebanon

I hope the remainder of August is peaceful and fun-filled for you all. Make time to enjoy stillness in these dwindling summer days. If you are someone who has difficulty being still, perhaps play some of your favorite music as you sit quietly. You may enjoy listening to the group chants recorded in my yoga classes. These are available as free downloads on my website.

Above all, remember to give yourself time to unwind. It is those moments of integration, of rest and renewal that add up over time to provide a feeling of balance and happiness. Right where you are, as you are is the perfect place to begin!


Yours in health,

-Rochelle Rice