Rochelle Rice, CSP, AS
Nationally recognized motivational speaker, author and educator.
Rochelle Rice is the FIRST woman in the world to hold both the Accredited Speaker (AS) designation from Toastmasters International and the Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) designation from the National Speakers Association. A former professional jazz dancer, her passion stems from the inordinate amount of stress in our society placed on thinness rather than overall health and wellness.
See Rochelle in Action!
Teamwork: Crossing the Finish Line Together
“Teamwork: Crossing the Finish Line Together” is an engaging and interactive presentation. It focuses on building trust between leadership and team members for successful outcomes.
From Overwhelm to Optimism: Keeping it Real
“From Overwhelm to Optimism: Keeping it Real” is a compelling keynote presentation to help teams reduce stress and anxiety in the hybrid work environment.
Powerful You
"Powerful You" is a dynamic keynote presentation for women in leadership. I work with emerging leaders to connect them with their bodies to reduce overwhelm, increase self-trust, and become powerful decision makers.
Clients That Move!
From Rochelle’s Blog:
The Human Connection Still Beats Zoom!
I'll admit, there are days when a brief glance at the news can be completely overwhelming. But it's moments like this dinner with Anastasia and her family from Ukraine, that I remain humble with joy and love for humanity around the world.
Spring Update!
It's been a busy first quarter of the year - speaking, training, taking dance classes, writing and spending time with friends and family. Shortly after the war began in Ukraine, I had a deep sense of wanting to support the people there.
Women at Halftime Podcast
My guest appearance on the Women at Halftime Podcast has launched! I will be focusing on Change Your Life in Minutes with my show and my journey in my episode. I really recommend giving this [...]
What is Embodied Leadership?
Embodied Leadership - Personally & Professionally As a former professional jazz dancer with 30+ years in the fitness industry, I continue to believe in building a peaceful relationship within yourself through movement. It is my [...]