I’m back in New York ready to embrace the fall season, however it is still a visceral reaction as I light a candle here this morning and pause for the moments of silence at 8:46am and 9:03am. 

I bring forward the original front page of the newspaper with the picture of the three firemen raising the flag above Ground Zero.  I am amazed at how much my body remembers September 11, 2001.  And I am reminded again why I am so passionate about my work.  Our bodies hold an enormous amount of information that can both empower us and heal us. 

Listen to your heart.  Life is sweet and fragile.

Breathe… use your voice and tell loved ones how you feel. 

May the peace within you guide you and be a beacon of light.  And may our individual healing and wholeness weave a tapestry of compassion throughout our world.