Happy Birthday Alicia! 

Alicia is 17 today and spent her first summer with me in 1996.  I had interviewd to participate in the Fresh Air Fund’s Friendly Town Program (www.freshair.org), an organization here in New York that connects people with kids that would like to spend time out of the city during summer vacation.  I’ll never forget the first time I met Alicia and her mother – balloons in my hand – I thought she was so beautiful!

Over the next nine years, Alicia became quite the traveler.   We went to a number of NAAFA conferences where she paricipated in fashion shows, swam in the hotel pool and learned to dial room service :)  We spent time every summer in Maine at my family’s home.  She learned to ride a bike, make s’mores and walk the beach looking for sea glass.  We were always active and she grew from the young girl I would read to at night, to an avid reader who now read to me before bed!

My favorite ritual was the mantra we created together with the help of my grandmother.  “I am beautiful inside and outside” was our powerful acknowledgement to ourselves as we finished brushing our teeth.  We would both say it loud and clear with big smiles on our faces as we gazed into the mirror.

Alicia is a senior this year – her goal set on college.  She is by far one of the greatest gifts in my life.  Although we don’t see each other as much as we used to, she is still in my heart and I feel blessed we spent those summers and holidays together. 

I highly recommend the experience of mentoring a child.  With your energy and efforts, the rewards are ten-fold for both you and the child – a truly pricless experience!

Alicia – May you be empowered though movement for you are and always will be beautiful inside and outside :)

Happy Birthday!