Sunday, April 1st will be a mark in time for me.  It has been a year of growth and transition.  It feels wonderful to celebrate this life transition, but there is something sobering about moving ahead…moving beyond the transition.

Growth is wonderful, but it is also painful, challenging and a few or more times when I had to ask myself, “what the heck have I done?”  I had literally taken a pitch fork and tossed out all that was not working in my life.  Shocking and startling all at the same time, and yet a deep sense of peace and knowing while I slowly healed.

There are still days when it is a challenge to even go outside the safety of my home.  I have a profound sense of appreciation for the stages of transition and all the emotion that goes with it.  But we still need to keep going.  Time heals and holds the hope necessary to grow.  And as I finally sense the “light at the end of the tunnel,” it reminds me that life is cyclical.  You will find yourself through the other side of the darkness.

Breathe….have faith.  These two words keep me focused and balanced.  Thanks to all of you who have stood by me or have been kind and gentle in giving me the space to heal.  Be patient with oneself- inside and out.  It’s not the first transition and certainly not the last.  That’s the beauty and the challenge life presents.  I feel grateful knowing I can still smile. :)