I was stunned on Monday to wake up with little passion or motivation for ANYTHING. Big surprise to me who is used to being fueled daily by inner drive. Now what?!
While it initially freaked me out, I realized I needed a bit of time for reflection instead of doing. The season has changed to warmer weather, my life is continuing to shift and, and, and…
I need to shake things up a bit – try something different for myself instead of creating. It was time to go out for me in order to come back to my work. I put together a list of some of the things I would like to do for me this summer – ride a bike, try flying trapeze lessons again, take Champagne, my Yorkie, out in the rowboat again in Central Park. Ahhh…there’s my passion slowly returning.
If you find yourself running low on passion or motivation, or can’t even get started, take a time out to refuel. Identify at least one thing that brings you a little joy. Chances are you have been so busy giving your time and energy to others you forgot to take care of you.
So go ahead, refuel and recharge. Spring is the time for new beginnings and there certainly is an abundance of options in our lives. We only need to spread our wings after a long winter and fly! :)
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