We are intelligent women, right? Then please, I nearly beg you to use all of your knowledge and previous health history to steer clear of what is now being released by the FDA as an over the counter diet pill that you do not need a prescription for – Alli is a watered down version of Xenical. Ladies….I DO understand the frustration and desparation that accompanies weight and the struggle to leave it behind, but it BLOWS MY MIND that the government thinks THIS is the solution to healing our health.
Your body is hardwired for health – your body wants to heal – your body knows how to heal. It’s not the gimmicks, drugs, or liquid diets that will do the trick. You have to know you are ready for change or what stage of change you are in (precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintanence). You have to set realistic goals and be honest with yourself. You can drown in the emotion of it all or work to mend the pieces in this lifetime. It is a journey and a process. I’m not claiming it is easy or that you will lose tons of weight, but what I am proposing is that you can reclaim your life.
The diet industry is a $50+ billion market – and where has it gotten us? More miserable than ever! We have lost our sense of what we know to be innately true and our intuition is but a faint whisper somewhere inside.
It may appear easy for me to write this enthusiastically – what do I know? I’m a small person, right? It has been my life journey to empower women through movement and help women understand how to better feel, move and listen to their bodies. When a 13 year old girl, who has developed prematurely, is sent home from school with a note from the school nurse – all of 90 lbs – that she is overweight for her age, I want to scream! Poor body image?! Did the nurse look at her activity level – a gymnast and all star lacross player? PLEASE!
Bottom line – it is your body. You have the right to do with it as you please. But an Alli? This diet pill seems so far from being “a friend.” Check out this info from the Mayo Clinic and let me know your thoughts. Obviously I have a great deal of passion for your health and the overall health of women in this country and this world. Make smart decisions for yourself and your health. And if you feel lost, let me know. I am happy to help you begin or continue your path for a life of wellness and abundance. A life that is designed by you and your innate body wisdom. Who could ask for a better prescription than one that comes direclty from you? :)
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