When life hands you lemons, make lemonade! I’m not sure who takes credit for that quote, but I found it amusing over the past week while I was slogging through a number of projects, office repairs and paperwork.  It felt like I couldn’t get on top of anything.  Sleep was reduced to a minimum, food was irractic, movement (for me, ballet class and yoga) was put on hold.  And there I ride the waves of life….make lemonade, right?

Life is always throwing us curve balls.  I think it’s a bit of an illusion that we can have things “under control.”  Maybe the twists and turns are a little less severe at times.  But I’m slowly coming around to riding life with less drama and chaos.  It’s become a matter how well I do while I’m in the shifts that has become my new workout.  It’s about developing a strong enough core, both physically and energetically, to literally “hold myself together” while I make lemonade. 

How does one do that?  Just a quick pick me up tip to start. When things are hectic in life, it may feel like you are in a million pieces, all over the place.  Sit down, find your feet on the floor, feel your pelvis in the chair, and visualize all those “pieces” coming together back inside you, one molecule at a time.  Go slowly and trust the process.

I may not be able to recover all of my molecules at once, but it certainly takes me off the ceiling for the moment and allows me to enjoy my lemonade. :)

Happy Summer!