What gets you out of bed in the morning? Is it the idea of a hot cup of coffee, quiet time with your pet or life dreams?
I have been fortunate enough to have found my life’s purpose in my work. After my professional dance career, I never thought I would find anything that would fulfill me to that level. Yet working with women, having fun and curiosity while enjoying a buffet of movement, continues to fulfill me beyond my wildest expectations. There continue to be so many moments in my work (“play”) that I take a moment and thank God for the joy and experience.
Projects and goals can be overwhelming, much like when you are trying to heal your body. The secret I am slowly learning is to take one step at a time. I know…heard that a thousand times, been there, done that. But FINALLY, the concept is sinking in for me. Sinking into my entire being. Unless I slow down and take it one step at a time, I will not fulfill my life’s dreams. I think too often I am in a hurry to get there instead of enjoying the journey. I know…heard that before too. But instead of doing the same thing over and over expecting different results, this time for me it requires really making an all out effort, physically, emotionally and spiritually, to shift the direction to make my dreams come true.
How about you? Same old, same old? I invite you to try one thing differently today. While habit and structure are great when it comes to moving your body regulary and eating appropriately for your body, something else may have to shift in order for you to achieve your goal. Hmmmm….what would that be?
For me today, I have to slow down even more inside to take it step by step. But I am going to trapeze class on Friday. The slowing down is amazing, but flying high will remind me to shoot for the stars! :)
Have a fantastic day!
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