OK – I’ve been in this business of movement for a lifetime, but the message really hit home last week as I SAT for over 40 hours in my Somatic Experience Training. Shocking to say the least.
At first I thought it would be great to sit and rest for a few days since my job usually has me running all over town. But the lack of movement created an even deeper level of not wanting to move. I could have gotten up early and done my stretching. I could have worked out in the evening after the training. But the truth is, the sitting made me want to sit even more.
My body signals were telling me to stretch. My sleep was off. My eating was off. Wow…move it or lose it was more the feeling. By the end of the training, I was “wasted.” I slept the weekend, walked a bit and did those things that really helped ground me and nourish me energetically.
I was back in ballet class on Monday – muscles shaking as I stood at the barre. Ladies – YOU’VE GOT TO MOVE! Climb stairs, walk, do SOMETHING on a daily basis. And if you can’t do it alone, get a friend. I now deeply understand what it is to sit at a job 40+ hours a week.
Muscles, bones, internal organs, heart, brain…all will be happier when you move. Just be very careful of the downward spiral when it comes to not moving.
I encourage you to “move your body through space” somehow, someway today. And if you usually move, move a few minutes more! I promise you, the rewards are priceless.
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