What gets you out of bed in the morning?  What gets you excited?  If the list is short, get motivated! 

One of my favorite things is cheering on clients and colleagues.  But there are certainly days when I would love to have someone cheering me on as well.  If that’s not the case, what do I do?

Shake it up big time or get back to the basics!

Shake it up big time for me means it may be time to hit the Trapeze School again to welcome spring.  Back to the basics means planting the window boxes on my fire escape and getting my hands in the dirt.  Even writing those two sentences motivates me and puts me at ease.  Now to put the plan in motion…

We sometimes look for the ultimate solution – almost fantasy like in appearance.  I do believe I can continue to have a full life, but the trapeze and the flowers in my window boxes may just be the cheerleaders I need to keep me moving in that direction.

Wishing you a beautiful spring filled with the newness of motivation and inspiration! Now go shake it up big time! :)