I tried to swear off politcal TV last night – it’s feeling more and more like a “junk food diet.” I’m jumping on (or in) late at night, early in the morning and in between clients. I’m even finding myself “sneaking” it in before Sandra comes into the office. Yikes! I’m a “political junkie” but with the same habits as eating disorder days! Sneaking in the latest polls, overeating the political garbage, taking it ALL in and not being discerning about the information (as if not taking time to read labels – HA!).
“Political Junkie” takes on a whole new meaning for me! No wonder I feel weighed down, sluggish and a bit lethargic – look/listen to the “fuel/food” I’ve been taking in!
Don’t get me wrong – I think we need to be VERY engaged in this election. But I need to “slim down” by getting the right nourishment. Breathe and get to sleep instead of attack ads the last thing before I go to bed. Surround myself with good friends and family instead of the “Joes” of the world becoming my new most famous acquaintances. Ingesting the appropriate food by reading the labels and researching reliable sources.
Incredible…amazing how seductive it can all be. But with any vice or addiction, change occurs with awareness. Thank God this one hit me before I couldn’t breathe! Back on track to healthier physical and energetic options…
I invite you to review your health at such a critical and transitional time in our world. Breathe. Your health is truly your greatest asset.
Wishing you peace…
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