The Association for Size Diversity and Health (ASDAH) embraces the following Health At Every Size (HAES) principles:
1. Accepting and respecting the diversity of body shapes and sizes.
2. Recognizing that health and well-being are multi-dimensional and that they include physical, social, spiritual, occupational, emotional, and intellectual aspects.
3. Promoting all aspects of health and well-being for people of all sizes.
4. Promoting eating in a manner which balances individual nutritional needs, hunger, satiety, appetite, and pleasure.
5. Promoting individually appropriate, enjoyable, life-enhancing physical activity, rather than exercise that is focused on a goal of weight loss.
Linda Bacon, PhD, is a nutrition professor in the biology department at City College of San Francisco. She has tested the Health at Every Size program meticulously in a clinical research study funded by the National Institutes of Health and cosponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Her book, Health at Every Size: The Surprising Truth about Your Weight, chronicles the remarkable findings of that study: that people can indeed overcome their weight problems and improve health – without dieting, deprivation, or a focus on weight loss.
For more information on the Association for Size Diversity and Health visit:
Thanks for posting that, Rochelle! It is so important, in addition to improving your own self-acceptance and your health, to try to help others do the same. Organizations like ASDAH ( ), the Council on Size and Weight Discrimination ( ), and several others are waging a good fight to try to do this, each organization with its own separate focus. It’s an uphill battle in a culture that hates diversity, and makes big bucks on the discontent of people, especially women, with their bodies. It’s exciting to be a part of something that’s trying to help. I am active in three such organizations, and I know that you do a lot to help, too! These days, there are some really great websites and blogs, yours included, on the subject. That’s a good sign.