Ever had one of those nights when you can’t get off the sugar, salt, sugar, salt, sugar, salt eating frenzy?!? Well it happened again to me just last week. I was completely caught off guard. I ordered a roast beef sandwich, lettuce, tomato, Swiss and mustard. Turns out the roast beef was incredibly salty. Less than an hour later I was CRAVING sugar! And the cycle began – back and forth between the two as I made my way around NYC from client to client. Exhausting!

Well I’m here to tell you you are NOT crazy when this happens! It turns out the body is trying desperately to balance itself. The roast beef gave too much salt to my body so I needed the sugar to come back to a balanced state. However, the salt felt so severe I then I OD’d on sugar so my body was back to salt again trying to find neutral. UGH!!! Back and forth, back and forth!

Two skills to help this situation:
1 – Do your best to be mindful of and avoid high sugary and high salty foods, not because they are “bad” but because of the molecular havoc they wreak on your body! You’ll be craving more!
2 – If you find you are on this rollercoaster from hell, do your best to choose fruits and veggies that may taste sweet like carrots and strawberries. It may help you move away from the destruction.

No matter what, KNOW that you are NOT CRAZY! The ride may be fun in the moment, but the letdown is exhausting. Don’t jump into the psychodrama of the situation. Understand what is happening and honor the incredible biochemistry of your body.