Suze Orman – “stand in your truth.” Simple yet powerful.
Dani Johnson – “be honest with yourself.” Easier said than done.
Here are some tips to get there:
1) Sit very still for a few moments and take 5 breaths in and out.
2) Notice how your body feels – tired, wired, contracted, stretched, or some other sensation.
3) Notice how your mind feels – speedy, full, jumpy, relaxed, easy, or some other sensation.
4) Ask yourself – am I standing in my truth about my health?
5) Ask yourself – am I being honest with my food, activity and finances?
Notice what comes up. Don’t beat yourself up. Be compassionate. What I found when asking these questions of myself, was there was a weight lifted.
My heart says it is lighter to stand in truth and honesty. The secret is finding the courage to do so.
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