Do you get up in the morning waving your pom poms? Do you thrive to do the very best you can? Or do you suffer quietly with anxiety and worry? I can honestly say I am a combination of all three. Most of the time I’m waving my pom poms. My dedication to my work comes from years of being a dancer. But the consternation? Well, I’m trying to adopt a new attitude.
If I eat junk food, I feel like junk. If I overspend on credit cards, I feel maxed out. If my home is cluttered, my mind can’t think straight. And if my muscles aren’t moving, I must be dead. It’s that simple. In a a society where we continue to search externally to fill up the ‘hole’ inside, we create a huge deficit in our lives. We forget to look at the simple things that nourish us.
Get real honest with yourself. Stay focused and keep it easy. Don’t try to fix everything at once. Choose one part of your life you would like to upgrade. Start small and manageable. Pull out your pom poms – real or pretend, cheer yourself on (stay tuned for more on this at a later date), stay focused and dedicated to the task at hand, do not get distracted and leave the consternation at the door. You may have setbacks, but don’t give up. Get back on track. FYI…I slipped off my NO TV lifestyle and realized again how much the TV sucks away hours of my life!
I realize how easily I am distracted with emails, multitasking, organizing or going in a million directions. I want to slim down and focus. Years of a challenging lifestyle – cigarettes, alcohol, and an eating disorder – does make this a challenge. But I’ve come to learn, my life is worth it.
And so is yours.
Thank you Rory Vaden for your wisdom in “Take the Stairs.” Your words have truly impacted my life.
Thanks, Rochelle. Your words are so helpful. Small and manageable….. I get distracted and then don’t know where to begin again. I must remember small and manageable.
Hi Rochelle! Consternation! I will try this new attitude towards life and at least try to wave my pom poms though its hard juggling all these activities as a hands on mom and wife and a freelancer. I have to stay motivated thanks to your words its really an awakening how my current routine is impacting my health and lifestyle. Thanks!
Hi Rochelle,
As always, you hit the nail on the head!!
“Start small and manageable” – great words to live by.
Thanks for the gentle reminder.