Making a Difference

A New York City reminder of faith and the holiday season- I look forward to seeing these big, bold letters each year!
Thank you. That is what I would like to say to everyone in my community. Really, thank you for all you have done. Because of YOU, I’m headed to Washington DC to discuss weight discrimination. Today I am meeting with a committee of health professionals to discuss weight stigma, messaging, programming and strategy as it relates to the White House’s Let’s Move! campaign and worksite wellness programs. Each and every one of you who spoke up, signed the petition, sent letters or cheered me on has contributed. I feel so much love, gratitude, and hope for positive change.
At the Let’s Move! launch back in 2010, Michelle Obama affirmed that “the physical and emotional health of an entire generation and the economic health and security of our nation is at stake.” Myself and my colleagues in the size acceptance community are working in alignment with this belief. There IS so much at stake. And yes, physical AND emotional health are involved. This is why it’s so important to remove weight discrimination and encourage inclusivity in the national wellness initiatives. The road to health is more than just physical. We have to create an open channel for people of all shapes and sizes to feel safe physically and emotionally while moving. I am proud to have this opportunity to move size acceptance forward. By doing so, I firmly believe that we can encourage more people to lead active lifestyles.
In this meeting we will work together to develop a plan for educating the White House to help the staff deliver future wellness initiatives in non-stigmatizing fashions. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter to stay connected as the discussion evolves!
Master of Movement
This month’s Master of Movement is Shanda Davis, who I met in an on-site workplace movement program called the Commit to Change Health Initiative. We met in February 2012 and I have had the pleasure of seeing Shanda’s commitment to an active lifestyle grow. She views her body as a temple and says she came to believe it was God’s intention for her to treat it as such. She also credits the accountability related to being part of a workplace movement program to her success. Being part of a community that was united in their wellness efforts helped Shanda find consistency in her movement routines.
Many of my clients have talked about feeling ‘hopeless’ when it comes to a movement program. ‘BORROW MY FAITH’ is what I encourage until they can believe again. Shanda in particular is grounded in her faith, and she is a sterling example of someone who went from almost no movement to being a Master of Movement by having faith in the process. Because this is what an active lifestyle is: A process. There is no such thing as “the tricks to being fit in 30 days” as so many magazines tell us. Being healthy is a lifestyle change, not a gimmick.
Shanda quoted Song of Songs 8:6-7 during our interview, “put me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm.” She carries God’s presence with her always. By trusting in Him she finds the strength to trust in herself. She says this gives her the strength to move, the strength to get through each day. Shanda’s movement is anchored in her faith. No matter your religious or spiritual beliefs, how can you have faith in yourself? How can you borrow my faith and have faith in your own unique journey and process? I believe in the process, and I believe in you. Listen to my interview with Shanda to learn more about how her faith fuels her active lifestyle.
Muscle of the Month
The trapezius muscle controls the scapula and supports the weight of the arm. This large, superficial muscle sweeps across the upper to middle back in the shape of a diamond. As the weather gets colder there is a tendency to hug the shoulders up to the ears to stay warm. This can create a muscular imbalance if care is not taken to maintain posture and shoulder health by counterbalancing this muscular contraction. Fortunately, gentle stretching can achieve this!
Sit upright in a chair. Place your right hand on the base of your skull. Bring your nose down toward your right armpit. You should feel the stretch across the top of the left shoulder. Inhale and exhale 5 times gently feeling the stretch but not to the level of pain. Release the right arm down, relax the head, and bring the head back up looking straight ahead. This stretch should be performed on both sides and held for approximately 30 seconds.
Another great option to relax tight muscles is heat therapy. This can simply mean taking a long, hot shower and letting the water run over your back. This helps increase blood flow to the area which can relax a tense trapezius muscle. Ah, the benefits of self care. Add some lavender soap to the mix for an even more relaxing experience! After all– when was the last time you set aside time to devote to relaxation?
Moving Forward
There is so much movement to be grateful for this month. I had the honor of being a judge at Roz Mays’ “Dangerous Curves – Plus Size Pole Dance Celebration.” There, I had the distinct joy of watching a group of full, fit and FABULOUS women confidently move their curves. I hosted my alma matter UMass Amherst’s New York Professional Outreach Program (NYPOP), teaching students about what it’s like to move to NYC to pursue a dance career. I have been exercising my voice by serving as National Speaker Association Vice Chair of the Chapter Leadership Committee. Here, I proudly help move national chapters forward. Really– my heart is overflowing with gratitude for all the fruit that 2013 has yielded. It being the final month of this incredible year, I cannot help but reflect on its beauty and fullness. Acknowledging this gratitude allows me to feel all the good that exists in my life and in my community.
Each time I teach a class, work with a private client, and speak at an event I am reminded of the love that surrounds me. So once again, thank you all for participating in my community. No matter how big or how small your involvement, you are important to me. I look forward to 2014 knowing that my faith will lead me forward on my path as The Plus Size Movement Expert ™ as I continue to empower women through movement. I hope to see you all in the new year at my annual celebration of plus size wellness– Full, Fit & Fabulous! Embrace all that is FULL in your life. Discover expert advice on the FITness program that will work for your body. Freely be the FABULOUS woman that you are.
Happy holidays to you and yours!
Yours in health,

Full, Fit & Fabulous:
January 18, 2014!
with Rochelle Rice and many guests!
Saturday, January 18, 2014, 9:30AM – 5PM,
Jolly Madison Hotel, New York City
It’s back, and more fabulous than ever! Join Rochelle Rice, the Plus Size Movement Expert ™, and her community for the 2nd annual Full, Fit & Fabulous! Embrace all that is FULL in your life. Discover expert advice on the FITness program that will work for your body. Freely be the FABULOUS woman that you are… Come join the celebration!

Full Day Event With Breathe & Eat Luncheon: $137
Full Day Event: $99
For more information or to sign up, visit
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