Making a Difference
Last month, a team of 20 rockstars in the size acceptance community were tasked with making suggestions for Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move” campaign. It was amazing to collaborate with colleagues across the country on a topic I am passionate about. I look forward to sharing the results of our work together as it unfolds in the months to come! Everyone has the right to a movement program that works for his/her body without shame or blame. My trip to our nation’s capitol was a phenomenal opportunity to spread this message.
This newsletter launches on my birthday and a year ago today we created RENEW DAY! Renew Day is the date of your birthday each month. To honor and celebrate your Renew Day, begin by marking it off in each month of the year – in your paper calendar, as an alert on your phone or in your computer. Each month on your Renew Day, take a moment to recognize what IS working in your life and do something special for yourself – buy yourself flowers, light a candle, take a breath for the health of it, get a manicure, make some time for yourself. Create a conscious action that makes note of your very special day of health, wellness and gratitude each month. You are an AMAZING divine being! Be as supportive to yourself as you would be to your best friend. And when it comes to embarking on an active lifestyle– Believe you can before you even try!
Master of Movement
My Masters of Movement have gotten to where they are step by step, one molecule at a time. This is exactly how our January Master of Movement embraced and is sustaining an active lifestyle. Rhonda joined my program in 2007 and has since been an enthusiastic cheerleader for many women and many forms or movement! Her movement journey included donning a pedometer to track her steps. After successfully hitting her desired step count each day, she realized she was ready for movement to be a bigger part of her life. Her daily goal: 10,000 steps!
This was just the beginning for Rhonda. Now she says it is no problem for her to walk 14,000 steps a day. But as she explains in our interview, getting here was no easy feat. It took her 3 months to begin hitting her 10,000 daily goal. She would even walk while watching television at night to increase her step count! Rhonda became a Master of Movement with both discipline and time. She kept on walking until she reached her goal– step by step, molecule by molecule.
Part of Rhonda’s success involves setting aside “me time” each week to dedicate to self care. This includes a movement routine of walking, cardio at the gym, and yoga with me. In my interview with Rhonda she describes her most impactful “AHA!” moment and how it has shaped her approach to an active lifestyle. Listen to how she created a movement regimen for herself inspired by the beauty of Central Park. You can listen to my interview with Rhonda here.
Muscle of the Month
This month we will focus on a group of muscles that are ALWAYS working– even when you aren’t consciously thinking about them. The intercostal muscles are located between the ribs and help move the wall of the chest. Each time you breathe, these muscles are working to support your breath. On the inhale they allow the ribcage to expand. On the exhale, they draw the ribcage back in to contract the chest. Whether you are forcing your breath or doing it unconsciously these muscles are moving.
Breathing is an activity of daily living! You are active in so many ways. It is important to give yourself credit for the movement that already exists in your life. I often speak of activities of daily living such as walking up stairs or pushing a cart through the grocery store. I acknowledge these activities because it is important to honor the ways you are already moving your body. By acknowledging all that you ALREADY do, the idea of what you COULD do becomes more palpable. Remember: Step by step! And in the case of the intercostals, take it breath by breath.
By expanding the intercostal muscles we can then expand our breath. There is a direct relationship to weight management and breathing. By stretching the intercostals and therefore deepening your breathing you are likely to increase your metabolism. Enjoy this free audio recording called Just Breathe where I teach about managing your breath. Know that as you breathe your intercostals are working to support you.
Moving Forward
At LAST…I am launching my Breathe & Eat program! It’s been in production for months and will be available for sale on January 18th, the day of my annual wellness event, Full, Fit & Fabulous! Breathe & Eat is a six week program that teaches you how to be with your food and track your body’s physical sensations as you eat. It is truly the culmination of my work with my clients and listening to their struggles and challenges with food. It sets a solid foundation for listening to your body and the results are astonishing.
I am officially counting down the days until I get to be FABULOUS with some of you! I’m presenting with Jeanette Bronee, Certified Holistic Health Counselor, and Karol Ward, Licensed Psychotherapist. The three of us have prepared a wealth of information to share on understanding your hormones. Holistic podiatrist Dr. Sherri Greene is gearing up to consult Full, Fit & Fabulous attendees throughout the day. She will tell you how and why proper foot care can make a significant difference in your wellness. I’ve got Diva Roz Mays and the ever-fabulous Olga Gonzales Ramos on board to teach you about sensuality, and some of my Masters of Movement will be on deck too! We are even raffling off some amazing prizes! Special thanks to Always for Me and Essence of Vali for generously sponsoring the event.
There is so much more to be offered at Full, Fit & Fabulous! I would love for you to attend, be part of our community and discover exactly what it means to embrace your fabulosity in the New Year. Until then, stay warm! Winter is definitely upon us in the big city– the snow, the freezing temperatures, the extreme highs, the dreariness. Reach out to others to keep you uplifted.
Peace in your heart always, dear friends.
Yours in health,
Last chance to register for Full, Fit & Fabulous!
The Breathe & Eat Luncheon is SOLD OUT!
Space is still available for the all-day event!

Full, Fit & Fabulous:
January 18, 2014!
with Rochelle Rice and many guests!
Saturday, January 18, 2014, 9:30AM – 5PM,
Jolly Madison Hotel, New York City
It’s back, and more fabulous than ever! Join Rochelle Rice, the Plus Size Movement Expert ™, and her community for the 2nd annual Full, Fit & Fabulous! Embrace all that is FULL in your life. Discover expert advice on the FITness program that will work for your body. Freely be the FABULOUS woman that you are… Come join the celebration!

Full Day Event With Breathe & Eat Luncheon: $137 SOLD OUT!
Full Day Event: $99
For more information or to sign up, visit
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