Today’s featured Master of Movement is Marianne Stephan, who began with me in my pilates classes in 2008. Marianne was hesitant to start a movement program, and today she herself works in a gym and has developed a passionate love of movement. She likes boxing, kettlebells, TRX, and high aerobic ativities such as “burpees” which she describes in our interview.
Not only has Marianne been on an incredible fitness journey, but she has done so while struggling with some serious health challenges. After being diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer and undergoing a 7 and 1/2 hour surgery, her oncologist told her that her passion for movement was critical in her recovery. Her focus on getting active was inspired by her quest to heal. Today, she has come so far and is working on her personal trainer certification. She is a true inspiration.
She went from almost no movement to being a Master of Movement. She did this by finding the kinds of movement that work for HER body. Everyone has individual movement needs and preferences. Acknowledging this can be your first step toward finding an active lifestyle that works for you! Listen to our interview to hear more details about her journey and to hear her advice about how to begin.
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