Our fourth Master of Movement is Shanda Davis, who I met in an on-site workplace movement program called the Commit to Change Health Initiative. We met in February 2012 and I have had the pleasure of seeing Shanda’s commitment to an active lifestyle grow. She views her body as a temple and says she came to believe it was God’s intention for her to treat it as such. She also credits the accountability related to being part of a workplace movement program to her success. Being part of a community that was united in their wellness efforts helped Shanda find consistency in her movement routines.
Many of my clients have talked about feeling ‘hopeless’ when it comes to a movement program. ‘BORROW MY FAITH’ is what I encourage until they can believe again. Shanda in particular is grounded in her faith, and she is a sterling example of someone who went from almost no movement to being a Master of Movement by having faith in the process. Because this is what an active lifestyle is: A process. There is no such thing as “the tricks to being fit in 30 days” as so many magazines tell us. Being healthy is a lifestyle change, not a gimmick.
Shanda quoted Song of Songs 8:6-7 during our interview, “put me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm.” She carries God’s presence with her always. By trusting in Him she finds the strength to trust in herself. She says this gives her the strength to move, the strength to get through each day. Shanda’s movement is anchored in her faith. No matter your religious or spiritual beliefs, how can you have faith in yourself? How can you borrow my faith and have faith in your own unique journey and process? I believe in the process, and I believe in you. Listen to my interview with Shanda to learn more about how her faith fuels her active lifestyle.
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