Our second Master of Movement faced the challenge in front of her by steadying herself– on her bicycle! Virginia Tatakis-Calder accomplished an incredible 108 mile trek across Maine, training incrementally to prepare herself for the challenge. She is a wife, mother of 3, small business owner, gym teacher, bus driver and now an active lifestyle leader! I started working with Virginia in the Fall of 2012 when she set her goal to ride her bike across Maine. We trained over skype, phone calls and in person when possible working on technique and form that could support her in achieving her goal. Her intention of losing weight was what originally committed her. Along the way she discovered that biking provides her joy and a sense of lasting accomplishment that motivates her to stay active.
Virginia’s greatest challenge along the way was maintaining her active lifestyle through the changing seasons. She didn’t let the harsh northeast winters put a hamper on her favorite activity, though. She started riding stationary bikes indoors to adapt her routine to work for her at anytime. She progressed adding little by little and working her way up to where she is now– happily, and consistently active.
I hope you enjoy listening to my interview with Virginia, and that her journey inspires you to find the type of movement that works for your body.
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