• Making a Difference I have always been the movement person. »
• Health is an Experience The discussion surrounding weight discrimination continues to evolve. »
• From the Ground Up Dr. Sherri Greene’s Top 5 tips for general foot care. »
• Moving Forward My passion rings loud and clear this month. »
• Full, Fit & Fabulous Videos are now available! »
Making a Difference
I have always been the movement person. Transitioning from my career as a professional jazz dancer to a trainer came naturally to me because movement has brought so much joy into my life. I wanted to share that joy, and to inspire others to lead fuller lives through movement.
But this isn’t the whole story. There is a lot of pain, a lot of struggle that led me toward this path. Though I’ve always loved movement, I have not always loved the body that I move in. My path to date has been long and there have been many detours, so trust me when I tell you this:
It’s not about the weight.
Back when I was dancing professionally, constantly bingeing and purging, I was living in a state of mental chaos. I was bouncing all over the place with my thoughts, lacking consistency and clarity in what I truly needed. The truth is– I didn’t know what I needed at the time.
If you have ever felt like this, like you don’t KNOW what you need to truly lead a sustainable, healthy and active lifestyle full of love and authentic relationships, then trust me– I understand exactly how you feel. I’m here to share what has helped me on my journey, and to continue empowering people through movement. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter to learn tips on living a full life today!
Health is an Experience
The discussion surrounding weight discrimination continues to evolve. From the American Medical Association’s classification of obesity as a disease, to the internet backlash surrounding the extreme weight loss of The Biggest Loser’s recent winner, it seems that everyone has A LOT to say when it comes to weight. But amid all this talk– what do YOU think? Or more importantly– how do you feel?
While the government and the media constantly tell us what we should be doing to lead healthy lives, they seldom ask what we need in order to do so.
Leading an active lifestyle happens through practice, through movement and nourishment. Before you read another article, before you subscribe to another newsletter, before you look at yourself in the mirror and make another judgement– PAUSE. Pause the constant search for information. It is time to tune out of technology and tune in to your body… How will you experience your health today?
From the Ground Up
At my annual Full, Fit & Fabulous Dr. Sherri Greene discussed how properly caring for your feet can effect your entire well being. Here are Dr. Greene’s Top 5 tips for general foot care:
1. Check out where you carry the weight on your feet. Ideally you want to evenly distribute the weight from front to back and outside to inside to insure proper posture and stance. This will relax the other stabilizing muscles above your feet.
2. Walking is a great form of exercise. Pay attention to your breath and the feel of your feet as they touch the earth. This awareness is everything.
3. Wear comfortable shoes as often as you can. Happy, supported feet create a greater sense of well-being.
4. Even 2-3 minutes of massaging your own feet can shift your mind from worry/fear to courage/confidence in a matter of minutes. Consider receiving a full out Reflexology and/or Sacred Feet session (Dr. Greene offers these! Learn more here).
5. Having someone else take a look at your feet from time to time is extremely beneficial because they may notice things that you may not. Prevention and awareness are the best medical remedies.
Moving Forward
My passion rings loud and clear this month. It’s only fitting that Valentine’s Day is upon us! It is a time for us to remember and acknowledge who and what we love in our life. If it isn’t a significant other then it is a hobby, work life, an activity, etcetera. Identifying what you are passionate about is a critical pathway toward happiness.
As I write about my passion this month, about caring for our bodies and acknowledging that there is more to loving who we are than diminishing the number on the scale, I feel that I am in the right place. Now is the perfect time for you to develop your passion too. Know that there’s a whole community out here willing to help you put your best foot forward and make it your happiest year yet!
I would love for you to join my community for my upcoming yoga class series beginning February 18th, or for guest teacher Roz Mays’ sensual movement class on February 22nd. Until then, keep moving forward!
Yours in health,
Full, Fit & Fabulous Videos Are Online!
On January 18th, Rochelle Rice and her colleagues Jeanette Bronée, Karol Ward, Roz Mays, Olga Gonzalez-Ramos and Dr. Sherri Greene brought together health and wellness for the full figured woman as they artfully blended health, movement and fashion.
If you couldn’t make it to the event you can still share the excitement and gain access to the wealth of information that was shared in the community by watching the videos from that day.
If you signup for our newsletter here, you can watch Rochelle’s introduction video from the day’s events absolutely free!

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