• Life Stages 2014 and rocking multiple roles in my professional life. »
• Newsworthy Weight Stigma Stakeholders’ Group and Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move campaign. »
• Muscle of the Month Sit up straight with your erector spinae muscles. »
• Live With Intention My grandmother had a passion that continues to inspire me today. »
• Full, Fit & Fabulous Videos are available online! »
Life Stages
New York City: My favorite city in the world. Here is where I found my groove, where I launched my careers and grew my business. From jazz dancer to trainer to speaker, this city has been the backdrop to ALL of my professional fulfillment.
So here I am, year 2014 and rocking multiple roles in my professional life. I may not be on the stage anymore doing jazz leaps and turns but I “take the stage” guiding fitness classes, wellness events and as a professional speaker. Public speaking is a passion of mine and it gives me immense joy to deliver my message to a diverse range of audiences. I speak about listening to the body. I speak about being the ultimate YOU you can be. Perhaps most dear to my heart: I speak about how to move confidently in the body you have today.
I hope whatever life stage you are in, and whatever stage you are on, that you can move with confidence knowing that you a divine being, worthy of love and success!
I’m still working with the WSSG (Weight Stigma Stakeholders’ Group) in response to Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move! campaign. The goal is to develop tools for community program administrators and train staff to identify weight stigma in their overall messaging. It has been amazing to work on this project with HAES® practitioners from across the country. My personal position has never changed. You have the right to a movement program that works for your body as it is, right now. And no one should be discriminated against when it comes to a movement program.
Promoting positive body image is important for both spiritual and physical wellness. It was refreshing to attend body positive event sponsored by Endangered Bodies NYC. The event involved several uplifting speakers helping women feel GOOD about the bodies they are in.
The most effective change comes from a deep well of positivity and faith in yourself– certainly not negative criticism and shame. Being part of a community that is weight neutral and empowers all shapes, sizes, ages, ethnicities and sexual orientation, can help lead the healing from within.
Muscle of the Month
The erector spinae muscles are a dense, large grouping of three muscles traveling from the base of the spine near the sacrum all the way up the length of the back. They hug the spine on either side and largely support the ability to have good posture. They function to straighten the back and provide rotary movement of the torso.
A healthy spine needs to flex (fold forward), extend (arch back) and rotate (turn from side to side). Because we sit a great deal, the erector muscles get weak and no longer support an upright posture.
Try reaching your arms up to the sky and slightly back. Bring the focus up a bit and lift your heart toward the sky. Inhale through the nose. Exhale through mouth. Repeat 5 times. Note: If there is any pain in the shoulders or lower back, lower the arms down. Repeat 5 times. Bring the arms back down to your sides. Your spine should feel taller and your breathing a little easier.
Live With Intention
It’s been 2 years since my grandmother, Eleanor Hill, passed away and I still miss her so very much. Gram had a passion for movement that continues to inspire me today.
Born in 1917, she lived through the Depression and had a great sense of pride and patriotism for our country. At the end of every family event, we would belt out “God Bless America” with Gram harmonizing.
She loved to dance, golf, walk and laugh. Gram performed her last dance recital at the age of 80 to “Hello Dolly” with her fantastic red boa. She continued to teach the exercises at the assisted living home before she moved in at 89. We shot this video when she was 91 and she left this earth at the age of 94.
I share this video with you to demonstrate her joy of movement and remind you that all movement counts!
Wishing you a day filled with peace, light and laughter. May you enjoy the longer and warmer days ahead.
Yours in health,
Full, Fit & Fabulous Videos Are Online!
On January 18th, Rochelle Rice and her colleagues Jeanette Bronée, Karol Ward, Roz Mays, Olga Gonzalez-Ramos and Dr. Sherri Greene brought together health and wellness for the full figured woman as they artfully blended health, movement and fashion.
If you couldn’t make it to the event you can still share the excitement and gain access to the wealth of information that was shared in the community by watching the videos from that day.
If you signup for our newsletter here, you can watch Rochelle’s introduction video from the day’s events absolutely free!

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