• Hello September! The summer was a whirlwind of dance for me. »
• Weight Stigma Awareness September 22-26, 2014 is Weight Stigma Awareness Week. »
• Breathe & Eat © Join me for a complimentary teleclass. »
• Moving Forward With that back to school feeling comes a beautiful flurry of activity! »
Hello September!
I hope your summer was filled with movement, friends and fun! It was a whirlwind of dance for me – starting last May when I returned to San Francisco to dance again with the jazz dance company, then to the Berkshires in July to teach jazz at Berkshire Pulse, and lastly, the amazing opportunity to teach at Steps here in New York City! It had me questioning why I had put my dance on the shelf for so many years, and I realized the pain was still there that set the foundation for the work I do today.
In my world of dance, I never felt thin enough, good enough, pretty enough or just enough. But I am more than all of that – and that is exactly what I see in each member of this community – whether in class or on Facebook. You are a divine human being, and the pain of weight discrimination – from society and from within ourselves – can be absolutely devastating. It’s not easy to make peace. It’s not easy to live in the skin you are in. But slowly, one molecule at a time, you can come into your body. You don’t need to LOVE your body to begin. Maybe just LIKE one molecule about you. And there, in itself, is a beautiful start.
Weight Stigma Awareness Week
September 22-26, 2014 is Weight Stigma Awareness Week. I am collaborating with the Binge Eating Disorder Association (BEDA), the Association for Size Diversity and Health (ASDAH) and the Weight Stigma Shareholders Group (WSSG) – the group formed to work on the Let’s Move! campaign as we continue to spread the awareness around weight stigma, bias and discrimination. While I have seen some changes in the awareness around weight discrimination, I am still appalled when it comes to health professionals and the stories I hear. Like the fuller trainer who was asked to take the gym’s new diet drink and ‘hopefully’ become the poster child for ‘success’ for the gym. Or the alternative doctor who meets my colleague for the first time at a professional event and proceeds to tell him she can help him lose weight. And what right do we have to say these things!?
I have always held the belief that no one should be discriminated against when it comes to a movement program and by collaborating with these size friendly organizations, I am able to help take the message even further. I hope you will participate just by being kind to yourself and and know that you are absolutely perfect in this moment.
Breathe & Eat ©
I believe we need to learn how to be with our food – whether it is Ben & Jerry’s ice cream & Doritos or salmon & kale.
When I first tried to find a program to take me out of the chaos with food and my eating disorder, I kept latching on to diets – Lose 10lbs in 3 Days, The No Carb Program, and of course the diet pills and laxatives. But what became most important was structure around my eating. The structure I chose in my 20s was completely different in my 30s, 40s and now 50s. The food I ate then is completely different based on my physiological needs now. But one thing has not changed. The need for breath and the feeling sensation of my physical body.
I remember standing on the subway platform and choking on my almonds because I was in such a rush. Time crunched, stressed, no awareness, no breath. It was in that moment that my Breathe & Eat © program was created. The program can be used at ANY time – with no special equipment or gimmicks – just real, authentic tools to help you listen to the wisdom of your body as the ultimate guide in your health and wellness.
I so deeply believe in this program and its ability to teach you how to listen to the wisdom of your own body that I am excited to finally share it with you. You will learn to trust (again) the sensations from within your body to help you create an authentic dialogue from your body to your mind.
Learn to create a space that is free and clear of drama and chaos at mealtimes. The insights are will surprise you. I guarantee it.
Join me for a complimentary teleclass and learn the first step in setting up a different relationship with food – one that doesn’t leave you in a food coma or have you taking Tums to quell the upset stomach. Sounds too good to be true!?
I’m telling you – these tools and skills have been tried by many of my clients and the results have been astounding. The ONLY challenge is practicing the skills. So I hope you will join me on Monday, September 22, 2014 at 8:00pm for a complimentary teleclass on “Breathing – The Free, Unspoken, Always Available, Weight Management Tool” and learn more about the program.
Click here for teleclass details.
Moving Forward
It’s that back to school feeling and with it comes a beautiful flurry of energy and activity! It’s been a very interesting year. As a matter of fact, I guess I could say I had a ‘mid life crisis’ as I floundered around trying to feel and figure out what to do next. I only wish I had known that’s what it was so I could have declared it. But now that I am coming up the other side, I can reflect on what I learned.
This is life – the great, the challenging, the ugly. You cannot wait for ‘things to get better’ in order to grow. You cannot wait for things to be ‘perfect’ to make a move. If you waited for those things, you would never move forward. Floundering is part of the game of life. It’s not pretty and it’s extremely uncomfortable, but the better you get at being in the messy and unknown, the greater the reward and the greatest gift – resiliency.
I’m not going to tell you to just go out there and just ‘do it!’ It’s a much messier process than that. But I will encourage you to get into the game of life and be willing to play. Play, laugh and love to the very best of your ability – right now. And that’s the lesson I took from my nephews when I told them I was challenging them for the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. They helped me see the beauty in all of the mess of the disease and the ice water. ;)
With faith and love,

YOU to gain the skills needed to free yourself from the diet mentality and begin to trust yourself again.
Breathe and Eat © is NOT a diet program. Believe it or not, your body is hardwired for health. This program will provide the structure and foundation necessary to let go of the chaos and drama created by the mind.
Watch Rochelle’s introduction to mindful eating and learn what it could be like to stop fighting yourself when it comes to food.
Six week program comes with six video lessons plus a guidebook.
BONUS: Purchase by Monday, September 29 at 12 Noon ET
and receive six complementary teleclasses with Rochelle!
Find out more and purchase the program at BreatheAndEat.com
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