Yep – it happened again. That feeling where I get so overwhelmed I become paralyzed – I don’t know WHERE to begin or even HOW to begin. Nothing in my day gets accomplished. I get all caught up in things that have absolutely nothing to do with my health and wellness – and everything to do with other people’s agendas, expectations, and critiques. Time is lost, frustration sets in, and the downward cycle continues.
I believe the first step is to own that I am in overwhelm, instead of trying to keep running from it by eating, watching TV, or playing on Facebook.
I believe the second step is to slim it down as much as possible. Overwhelm is such a heavy feeling that I can barely move. What part of the overwhelm can I let go of?
And lastly, stop for one minute – 60 seconds. Time it on my iPhone. I won’t run. I won’t hide. Just stop for 60 seconds and try and get a better perspective of one molecule I can move. And that’s it. That’s about all I can handle.
Just for today, I will pause for 60 seconds, gain some perspective and have the courage to move one molecule.
Just for today.
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