What a difference a week makes! Warmer temperatures in the northeast, vaccine eligibility dropped to age 50 in New York and a feeling of hope in the air! (photo taken in Maine by my friend Jon Rich)
With longer days and light at the end of this pandemic tunnel, it’s a wonderful time to elevate your wellness routine. Wellness is multidimensional and here are a few thoughts to work with:
Physical: get outside more and do your best to increase the vibrancy/intensity of your movement.
Emotional: being mindful of your feelings and accepting of the range of emotions.
Spiritual: recognizing what you have learned about yourself and your higher purpose.
Social: connecting with friends, family members and communities in meaningful ways.
Environmental: exploring the interrelationships in your world with regards to health and well-being.
Continue to be kind and compassionate with yourself and those around you. The shift is happening and I believe things will begin to move quickly. Stay steady with your breath, your feet into the earth and an abundance of love in your heart. We are learning and adapting at a phenomenal rate.
Nina Simone sings “It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new life for me. And I’m feeling good.”
As we continue to move forward in our world, may you greet each new day with a sense of peace and hope…and feeling good.
You are truly a Master of Adaptability.
With love and gratitude,
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