“and I said to my body, softly ‘I want to be your friend.’ It took a long breath and replied, ‘I have been waiting my whole life for this.'”


The most sacred relationship you have is the one within yourself.

Yet, many days I’m still ignoring it. How do you nourish the relationship within?

I’m always asking myself this question – and it goes beyond breathing and taking a hot bath – though those are excellent for self-care.

Here are the ideas that were sparked when I read this quote again today.

Deepen your trust of yourself and celebrate the decisions you make – even if it’s not perfect.

Let your emotions flow. Express them instead of tamping them down. There is space for all of them.

Have the courage to look at the dark places within to expand and grow. We all have them.

Laugh at yourself openly and often. Indeed, we are not all perfect!

Cherish your life experiences – the good, the bad, the ugly. They have shaped you.

Love deeply – all things. The flowers, the feet you stand on, your pets, your friends, your life.

Lastly, love the woman you’ve become. You – with your bumps, bruises, joys, heartaches and triumphs – there truly is no one like YOU!

Take a long breath.

Bring your hand to your heart.

And say to yourself “I am here.”

You are the one you’ve been waiting for. xo

With love for the woman you are…