A new season and longer days certainly can boost your overall sense of well-being! The warmer days, seeing friends, and life moving along can truly lift your heart.

At the same time however, you may also feel an undercurrent tugging at you. The world is turned upside down again. And still, you must keep living and thriving.

There are signs of faith and hope despite the challenges. There are moments of joy despite the sadness. There are human connections being made near and far despite the miles between us. And the people of Ukraine continue to provide faith and hope in all that is possible.

During COVID, you learned a great deal about yourself and those you are close to. You realized you didn’t need as many material things as you thought you did. You realized who your true friends and family are. You realized it may not be so good to be super busy and stressed.

And now, what lies ahead of us as a world, will require the strength and training of a PhD in personal self-care. Your self-care is more important than ever. Stay connected to your breath. Stay physically active to decrease stress. Eat well and sleep well. Make space in your schedule. Reach out to friends and loved ones just because. And ask for help when you feel overwhelmed.

It is a privilege to serve as your teacher. Because of you, I have learned a great deal about myself these past two years and the learning continues as the world struggles to find peace and balance.

Listen to the wisdom of your body and trust yourself. No one knows better than you what you need. Do not cause harm to yourself through your thoughts or actions. You are beautifully unique and the world needs you.

Hold on to a deep sense of faith that we are all one. Lift up your hope as a beacon of light for others. And let the love in your heart flow for our world.

My sincere thanks and gratitude to you for being you,