I was back in my hometown of Saugus, MA for a high school reunion BBQ this past weekend. What a joy to be with these incredible friends again! What was most remarkable was the feeling of being with “my crew.” We kept an eye on each other, filled in the names of people we couldn’t remember, shared life stories and memories, cried, consoled and laughed. A much needed recharge.
I treasure their friendship and at the same time paused to reflect “who’s on my team?” My team for business, family, health, personally and spiritually. I thought about the amazing people I know who support my humanness and hopefully feel the same from me in return.
So pull out your journal or a piece of paper and create your list of teams before you begin your favorite TV show tonight! It’s about the QUALITY, not the QUANTITY.
Here are some prompts to help you out:
List family members (birth or chosen :) who love you unconditionally.
List friends who support you unconditionally.
List your health professionals who guide your wellness journey.
List your business professionals who aid in helping you achieve your financial goals.
List your spiritual friends and professionals who lift you up on a regularly.
Reminder: it’s not the quantity of names on the list – rather the quality of the people on your team. And while you may “know” this list in your head, when you can see it on paper, your heart will swell.
As my friend Joanne (center) wrote on her FB post: “I’d do anything for these women.”
Those words were so powerful, my commitment to my team soared to an all time high.
Relationships take time to grow, develop and nurture. They also have a major impact on your health and well-being. And I was reminded of that again after 24-hours with my high school friends.
May you find comfort in your knowledge that you are not alone. There are indeed people on your team who love and believe in YOU!
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