Are you a role model to young women around you? Are you able to speak kindly to yourself and not diminish your value – especially in the presence of those under 25?

I had the opportunity to speak with the North Carolina Chapter of CHAARG (Changing Health, Attitudes + Actions to Recreate Girls). CHAARG is the leading health + wellness community on college campuses with 115+ university chapters across the country. The organization is “liberating college students from the elliptical” and empowering them to be the BEST version of themselves!

These young women touched my heart as they shared their personal stories of body image. Their experiences ranged from body positivity to body neutrality to an all out war with their bodies. I had to honestly ask myself, “where am I at today?” having navigated the excruciating experience of bulimia when I was their age? Where are you at with your body image?

Looking at some of the literature, I came across this interesting statistic for middle-aged women from

Clearly, we still have our own work and healing to do, yet simultaneously, we must also remind ourselves to be a role model for the young people around us. They are LISTENING.

If you or someone you know is struggling with body image, here are a few suggestions from Montana State University:

  • Compliment on something not related to their body. …
  • Ask about other things going on in their life. …
  • Follow encouraging and positive social media. …
  • Practice self care together. …
  • Listen non-judgementally. …

Speak well to yourself, practice self-care, and refrain from diet talk. Easier said than done, but indeed powerful.

I wish you a peaceful week ahead. A moment to quiet the internal wars that may still be haunting you. A soft opportunity to role model authentically for the young people around you. And a sweetness in your heart that offers you hope today and into the future.