I’ve had clients tell me “I hate to exercise!” or “I know I’m supposed to, but I don’t have the time.”
These are not new statements in my world, nor will they be the last ones I hear.:) However, I invite you to be curious about how you can move forward differently following these three tips.

1 – Recognize you are always in motion. Whether it’s getting in and out of bed, up from the couch, cleaning your home or meeting a friend for coffee, your body is always moving. Awareness is the key to boost your activity level. Each time you move, try not to zone out. Feel HOW you are moving in space – stiff, slouched, upbeat, or sluggish? No judgement whatsoever. Raise your level of awareness and in doing so, you will boost your overall energy level as well.

2 – Learn more about your body – the right way, right now. Many people go down a rabbit hole when they are self-diagnosing online. The more you read, the more distressing it may become. Instead, learn about the functions of the muscles, bones or internal organs today. Learn where they are located and how they function when healthy. This is much more informative and moves you toward healing your relationship with your body. It will also help when you may have an injury, instead of looking at the “worst case scenarios.” Be curious now, while you’re healthy.

3 – Describe in detail how your body feels. Use detailed and descriptive words to describe the upbeat feelings in your body as well as the aches and pains. Create a descriptive vocabulary that may include vibrant, energized, alive, stretched, achy like the flu, tension in my abdomen, compressed. With an injury, does it feel pulled or tight? Does it need heat or ice? Can you put weight on it? The more adept you become at describing the sensations in your body, the more in tune you are with your health. This awareness boosts your immune system and helps you feel in control.

I believe my love of movement started at a very young age. In this recital picture, I’m sure I was already ‘”hooked on the feeling.” I am a lover of the joy of movement – always in awe of what the body can do. But my joy today is shared deeply in my love for teaching technique and a way to help you move your body safely. To come into peace with your personal relationship with your body is indeed, touching tranquility.

With love and deep respect for the body,

PS – I think I was about about six years old dancing to “How Much is that Doggie in the Window.” I’m the pup in the middle of the first row. :)

PSS – Thank you to Elaine for the “touching tranquility” – such beautiful, descriptive words.