I am an upbeat, enthusiastic, ‘glass is half full’ kind of woman. I couldn’t tell you where it came from, but I will tell you I am doing my best these days to continue to cultivate my happy ALL the time.
I don’t know if it comes with age or knowledge or both, but now in my 50s, it’s sometimes a challenge to keep the “I’m losing time,” and “why bother” feelings at bay. Or is it?
I will tell you I am making the most conscious effort ever to uplift my faith and purpose. What am I doing and how can you?
1 – Reduce the amount of TV and news. I can’t change the way the media delivers the news with such fear and sadness. However, I’ve come to believe that for this moment only, the best thing I can do for the world is stay happy, healthy, grounded, centered and love and cherish those around me – personally and professionally. I can then hope that my positive energy will serve as a beacon of light and hope for others. (And yes, I’m still loving Dancing with the Stars!)
2 – Read books and articles that move your forward – that challenge you to grow and elevate yourself. If I read about the danger and fear in my city or the world, won’t that increase my fear about even being out and about? There are beautiful things going on in the world, we just rarely here about them! We are all ONE on this earth and you have the opportunity to live, learn, create and cultivate the hobbies, groups, and life goals you want to live.
3 – Reach out. You are NEVER alone. I spoke with a friend today who was so enthusiastic to help answer my career question he offered my three action steps! People are more than willing to help you move forward in life. Begin by creating a list of people in your world, near and far. Formulate what you need (a hug, advice, an introduction, etc). Now be willing to ask and more importantly, be ready to receive. And if the action steps they provide resonate with you, be ready to take action within 24 hours of receiving them.
As the dark hours arrive earlier now with the daylight savings time, I am working deliberately to put a few more positive things in place so my happy stays front and center. I don’t need to be off the wall happy every day, but a sweet “Buddah smile” on my face will be enough for me and those around me to feel my heart is full and shining.
Wishing you a “Buddah smile” kind of day and a heart filled with love, peace, faith and hope.
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