December 1st and I’m already feeling the speed of the holiday season.
I glanced nervously at the calendar five times today and took two calls for holiday gatherings. My anxiety level rose to a new level after a Thanksgiving weekend of rest, family and no email. Yikes?!?
So what’s a woman to do to manage the speed, stress and anxiety?
1 – Admit there is a media frenzy at this time of year. Everything from holiday windows to commercials on TV to non-stop advertising. By recognizing the craziness, you then have the choice of how you will manage it instead of getting lost in the chaos. Sit down, breathe, and realize this is JUST another year, another season, another holiday.
2 – Slim down your schedule. Yes, it’s great to go to the holiday gatherings, but do you have to hit them ALL?!? Choose the ones that are truly meaningful for you and will nourish you by seeing cherished friends and colleagues. If it means going out instead of a night of TV, perhaps that will be better. Choose wisely – not too many and not too few.
3 – Stay on top of your finances. Pay your bills on time. Make a budget for gifts. Don’t spend money you don’t have. If you choose to do something for yourself, invest in yourself. Take a course at the local school, learn more about your anatomy, get your body moving in a pleasurable way, or consider learning more about mindful eating. These types of investments pay back many times over.
Stay focused. Stay connected to friends who support you. Believe. Sit down, breathe, and realize this is JUST another year, another season, another holiday.
Because Thanksgiving doesn’t have to slide into January 1st. ;)
Wishing you a blessed holiday season!
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