Intentions create a deep sense of vibration on a cellular level. They are anchored in a knowing state versus the external world of expectations. Much different than a resolution.
Intentions are not driven by fear but instead purity and clarity from the body. It’s that simple… and yet that hard. And now, 10 days into the New Year, I remind myself again of my intention for 2007…be true to myself. So where was I yesterday as I made some choices that were no where near true to myself?
Compassion. That is the other key skill in this shift from the external world to following my voice from my body within. It’s like learning a new movement or skill. There are times when it will flow easily and others when I hit a bump in the process. The secret is to have the compassion to honor the bumpy moment and move through it until the process is mastered.
May your intentions be clear from your body. May you have the courage to move through the bumpy times knowing mastery is ahead. And may you have the vision and the wisdom to trust yourself deeply. Here is where I stand…what a “workout.” :)
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