Ugh…it’s 40 something degrees this morning and my body is so unhappy.  The change in time over the past weekend seems to have also thrown me a bit.  Now what?

Go with the season!  I have been waiting awhile for the weather to change in order to accomplish my “inside projects.”  It’s a wonderful time to shift from being outdoors so much to honoring the shorter and cooler days by doing those things that nourish you inside.  It’s time for more candles, hearty soups and warm sweaters.  It’s time to put on my long underwear until April 2008. :)  But it is also time for deep reflection of the months that have passed.  Where am I going?  What do I want to accomplish?

Take some quiet time this evening and reflect on your life’s journey with deep respect.  Honoring this time of quiet brings you closer to your natural rhythm within yourself and the earth.  And that is enough to keep me warm throughout the coming months – inside and out.