I am marking the near completion of a six-month time in transition.  I have made personal and professional decisions that literally set me spinning yet at the same time begged me to sit down and evaluate.  I knew I had made the “right” decisions, the question was how was I going to handle the transition?

When things have gotten crazy in the past, I would go faster – more work, more projects, less sleep, more caffeine.  I like to call it the “New York Caffeine Buzz” –  when I am getting things accomplished externally, but my deep sense of self is crying to be taken care of – I just refuse to listen.  Now flip that, and you can imagine the assault on my complete body.  It has taken me these six months to find a pace that is now more resilient.

How does the body know what to do while the head is making these decisions?  Or do we just drag it along for the ride? 

Transitions…life transitions.  How do we handle them?  How do we manage to stay afloat when all I could focus on is what should I hold onto?

There is so much to learn and share.  Job changes, marriage, divorce, adoption, children off to college, new home, and retirement all require our skills to complete the transition.  I would  love to hear about your successes and discoveries with your transitions.  Perhaps we can find a powerful common lesson to manage what is always inevitable in life.  Of course, breathing helps. :)