May 2014 Newsletter

I had the incredible opportunity to perform with the San Francisco Jazz Dance Company 30 years later! I was a company member from '83-'85 right out of college. The event exceeded my expectations and was truly a dancer's dream come true!

2016-12-15T17:19:24-05:00By |Monthly Newsletter|

April 2014 Newsletter

That was by far the longest, coldest winter EVER! When even my very optimistic, upbeat, energetic friends conceded it was a difficult winter, I knew it wasn't just the estrogen leaving my body that might be bringing me down.

2016-12-15T17:19:24-05:00By |Monthly Newsletter|

March 2014 Newsletter

New York City: My favorite city in the world. Here is where I found my groove, where I launched my careers and grew my business. From jazz dancer to trainer to speaker, this city has been the backdrop to ALL of my professional fulfillment.

2016-12-15T17:19:24-05:00By |Monthly Newsletter|

When things fall apart…

I am deeply rested. And I confused it with being unmotivated, blue, unsure how to move forward. Being unmotivated doesn't even sound or feel like me. But it has been a very challenging 4+ months - personally and professionally. And I realized that the deep rest was so incredibly unfamiliar, that I mistook it for all things 'wrong' instead of 'peace at last.'

From Gray to Grin!

Relentless. That’s what winter 2014 feels like. Never ending gray skies and snow! How do you move to grin and motivation when the temperatures (Midwest and Northeast at least!) make you keep your winter hat, gloves, scarves, boots and extra layers on? Here are my three suggestions:

2016-12-15T17:19:30-05:00By |Life|

February 2014 Newsletter

I have always been the movement person. Transitioning from my career as a professional jazz dancer to a trainer came naturally to me because movement has brought so much joy into my life. I wanted to share that joy, and to inspire others to lead fuller lives through movement.

2016-12-15T17:19:30-05:00By |Monthly Newsletter|

January 2014 Newsletter

Making a Difference With Chevese Turner, founder of BEDAat our meeting in Washington, D.C. Last month, a team of 20 rockstars in the size acceptance community were tasked with making suggestions for Michelle Obama's "Let's Move" campaign. It was amazing to collaborate with colleagues across the country on a topic I am passionate [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:30-05:00By |Monthly Newsletter|
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