Small sizes out!?

A client mentioned yesterday that there is a big fashion show taking place in Spain.  Officials stated that small size models will not be allowed to participate.  They allude to the fact that the smaller sizes are having a negative impact on the young women in Spain.  Are we living in the wrong country?! Stay tuned while [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:51-05:00By |Life|

Time in Transition

I am marking the near completion of a six-month time in transition.  I have made personal and professional decisions that literally set me spinning yet at the same time begged me to sit down and evaluate.  I knew I had made the "right" decisions, the question was how was I going to handle the transition? When things [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:51-05:00By |Life|

5 years…

I'm back in New York ready to embrace the fall season, however it is still a visceral reaction as I light a candle here this morning and pause for the moments of silence at 8:46am and 9:03am.  I bring forward the original front page of the newspaper with the picture of the three firemen raising the [...]

2006-09-11T09:37:32-04:00By |Life|


At long last... my pen and paper writing is transformed to a keyboard and my butterfly covered journal has now morphed into a blog! Here I am! I am still passionate about dance aerobics, core strength, warrior II and tutus, but my "workout" lately has included HTML, style sheets, streaming video and frames, fields and [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:51-05:00By |General Musings|
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