Summer Health Initiative

Master your basics! This summer work on eight glasses of water per day, five servings of fruits and vegetables per day, and a minimum of seven hours of sleep per night.  This creates a solid foundation for a healthy lifestyle.  Game on!

2016-12-15T17:19:34-05:00By |Fitness & Health|

In Fitness & In Health Promo Reel

Rochelle Rice, MA, is a nationally-recognized speaker, author, and educator. She is the President of In Fitness & In Health and the creator of the Plus-Size Exercise Technique, which was designed based on her concerns about the inordinate stress put on thinness in our society, rather than fitness.

Empowering Women Through Movement: Sample Clip

A clip from my plus-size exercise video for women. Most of the video is done in a seated position with an emphasis on technique and the application to daily activities.

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