Summer Goals…FUN!

I love June 1st!  A great day to put together summer goals!  Try two lists - professional and personal - KEEP IT SIMPLE!  For your professional list, strive to move beyond your comfort zone whether you are still working or not.  Take a course, meet with colleagues, talk with others in your field.  It's easy to get "stuck" in [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:34-05:00By |Life|

The Joy of Movement…

For sure it's in my genes!  My mother, Sandra, ran her dancing school for 25 years in my hometown  of Saugus, MA.  I grew up in dance and spent winter seasons traveling to Boston to perform in the Boston Ballet's Nutcracker when Arthur Fiedler was the conductor for the orchestra. This past week, my mother [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:34-05:00By |Life|


There is nothing more pure than being honest with yourself. I am in a 5 day training program with Christine Schenk which is absolutely incredible.  The blending of your physical body and energy body for a more unified couplehood. The bottom line.  No squiggle room.  No excuses.  No negotiating.  You must stand up for yourself [...]

2009-06-24T06:25:53-04:00By |Life|

Adjust your speed!

There are days when life goes incredibly fast and others when you feel you have room to rest and breathe for a moment.  The secret is, have you adjusted your speed? Living in New York one can't help but enjoy (if not be addicted to...) the speed of life around us.  But when the projects [...]

2009-06-24T06:26:49-04:00By |Life|

Worry Will Shut You Down…

Only now, after returning from speaking at a conference in Vegas, do I realize I spent most of April worrying.  Worry is not usually a trait of mine.  I consider myself optimistic, glass is half full, tomorrow will be a better day kind of woman.  But finances, stress, health and concern for clients seemed to [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:34-05:00By |Life|


Trillions?  Makes me want to clean my own "house."  The word is out there - everywhere - and yet I almost feel  desensitized to the fullness of it.  It reminds me of not feeling parts of my body at times.  And yet each time I hear the word, I find myself looking to see what [...]

2009-04-02T06:31:27-04:00By |Life|

Signs of Spring

The daffodils and crocus were freezing this morning as temperatures dropped below 32 degrees. But at 12:45am, the true sign of spring rumbled through the midtown tunnel. Truly a New York "must see," the elephants from the Ringling Brother's circus made their ceremonial trip through the midtown tunnel and across 34th Street to Madison Square Garden.  Friends, [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:34-05:00By |General Musings, Life|

Top Secret for Weight Management!

And number 10 is... 10 - BREATHE!  This naturally occuring phenomenon of the body, life itself, is completely overiden, ignored and forgotten.  When stress is high, emotions are low, or...breath is completely lost.  Our natural connection to the diaphragm, the rise and fall of the abdomen, the intake of oxygen and release of toxins. I [...]

2009-03-16T15:26:56-04:00By |Life, Weight Management|

Top Secrets for Weight Management (7-9!)

Moving along... 7 - Sleep.  This is a secret that is grossly underestimated in it's ability to HELP your body maintain weight.  The challenge seems to be getting into the bed at night or turning off the TV.  Consider creating a bedtime "ritual" for yourself.  Tea, a good book, a candle...something to help you make [...]

2009-03-16T15:28:01-04:00By |Life, Weight Management|

Social Responsibility

It's been two weeks since Barack Obama was sworn in as President of the United States and called for an era of social responsibility.  And it's that call to action that has kept me passionate at a time when there is such distress in our country. Just as with movement, a little bit goes such a [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:48-05:00By |Life|
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