Women in the Woods

What happens when you take 20 women out of their busy, hectic, urban lives and put them in the woods for 4 days?  Magic! We spent an amazing 4 days in upstate Ney York for our annual Wellness Weekend.  The weather was perfect and the setting absolutely beautiful.  We hiked, played volleyball, whiffle ball, sang [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:48-05:00By |Life|


It's been six weeks since Champagne passed.  Seems July is just a blur.  In the wake of the loss, I still seem to function and at times feel even more grounded knowing that "this is life."  It's still challenging - the early mornings when I get up, the evenings when I come home from teaching.  [...]

2008-08-07T08:05:22-04:00By |Life|

Movement: A Time To Connect

Movement is a time to connect with yourself - as fully and completely as possible.  To be present and in the moment with your movement - THAT is the "workout." Believe me, I "think" I've solved many a problem while in yoga, ballet or fitness classes, but the truth is, I've missed out completely on [...]

2008-07-17T06:33:39-04:00By |Life|

More congrats!

Congrats and a "shout out" to Terry who joined us last November and has since been taken off insulin! Also congrats and a "shout out" to Susan who joined us in January and has decreased her blood pressure! Both women have been taking yoga once a week (added some Pilates on the way) for less [...]

2008-07-15T09:43:44-04:00By |Life|

Size Sensitivity from Dr. Robert Lambert

This is a very interesting article from yesterday's New York Times about Size Sensitivity from Dr. Robert Lambert.  It was nice to read that Dr. Rob believes that overweight patients do not need lectures.  He writes that instead of patronizing with a lecture, he tries sympathizing with them.  He believes that a "culture of accusation [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:48-05:00By |Life|

The Energy Was Beautiful…

The new 5-week Yoga Plus series began last night.  It was my first time back teaching in over 2 weeks.  The energy was so beautiful and healing.  To create a safe space for women to move physically and feel secure emotionally has always been a cornerstone of my work.  The focus and ability for each woman to stay present during the [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:48-05:00By |Life|

Where do I begin?

I realize it has been nearly 2 months since I have posted and when I look back in my personal journal, I remember it being such a challenging time.  Ugh...another growth spurt.  I guess we never really get "there..." both the good news and the bad news.  The good news is we are always growing [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:48-05:00By |Life|


A bit last minute, but if you get the chance and you're in New York, you must go see our own Andi Bray, certified group fitness instructor, in tonight's production of Lbs, The Musical with Weight Behind It. Choreographed by John Paolillo, Lbs. is a song and dance celebration of full-sized women who find empowerment [...]

2008-05-13T12:45:10-04:00By |Life|

Calorie Counts On Menus

Wow...have you seen them?  I've been busy runing around the city checking out some of the food chains that have posted calorie counts on menus.  Incredible.  At first, I thought the idea was kind of crazy - don't people have a sense of what is best for their bodies?  But after doing a brief scan [...]

2008-04-30T06:43:53-04:00By |Life|

Motivation and Inspiration

What gets you out of bed in the morning?  What gets you excited?  If the list is short, get motivated!  One of my favorite things is cheering on clients and colleagues.  But there are certainly days when I would love to have someone cheering me on as well.  If that's not the case, what do I [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:48-05:00By |Life|
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