Standing in the chaos, sitting in the quiet…

I haven't written for nearly a month.  It has been challenging these past few weeks as I continue to strive for more understanding of my biography, my self, my physical body and my energy body.  Two key points... Standing in the chaos - I love to go fast and usually go faster in the midst [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:48-05:00By |Life|


Yeah!  I looked out the window this morning and the buds are out on the trees that line my street!  Although spring does not technically begin until the 20th, I can feel that winter is on it's way out. So much going on these days, it's been challenging to keep up with the day to [...]

2019-03-18T17:07:24-04:00By |Life|


OK - I've been in this business of movement for a lifetime, but the message really hit home last week as I SAT for over 40 hours in my Somatic Experience Training.  Shocking to say the least. At first I thought it would be great to sit and rest for a few days since my [...]

2008-02-28T07:49:50-05:00By |Life|

Somatic Experience Training…

Finishing up my 3 year training program in Somatic Experience.  It ties in so well with the work we do - sensing the body.  The key is to regulate the central nervous system to avoid activation spikes and falls.  Sound familiar?  Stay tuned...I'll be sure to bring you more info! Have a great week!

2008-02-21T09:06:45-05:00By |Life|

Queen Latifah and Jenny Craig?!?

Say it ain't so!  As I walked past the Jenny Craig in my neighborhood, I was stunned to see the Queen on the spokesperson poster!  Here is a woman who was recently on the front of (I think) People magazine, celebrating her curves.  She has had an extremely successful career with movies and Revlon and [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:49-05:00By |Life|

One step at a time…

The middle of January - a bit dark, cold and gray.  A friend reminded me again that if I get ONE thing done today, that would be an accomplishment.  OK - that I can do.  It makes things seem lighter and easier. Don't push.  It's hard when I'm used to going 100mph.  But right now, [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:49-05:00By |Life|

Resolutions and Intentions…

I'm not one for resolutions.  Intentions resonate better with me.  But here it is, 16 days into the 2008 and I'm wondering what happened to my intentions. Two years ago I completely shifted my life.  Closed the studio, left a realtionship and went off to India.  Seemed at the time like a lot of drama [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:49-05:00By |Life|

The Amazing Body – Part III (and conclusion!)

It took me nearly 4 weeks and 4 body sessions to get me back to full range of motion.  I found myself back at the doctor's office on Monday the 7th for a follow-up which meant a few injections, compression stockings again and no aerobic or strength training for another week.  I was a mess.  [...]

2008-01-09T07:42:06-05:00By |Life|

The Amazing Body – Part II

Last Wednesday I did make it to a moderate dance class which helped me find my heart.  By Thursday, I felt like the pirate with a wooden leg as I hurled my body up the avenue.  On Friday, I went to yoga class where I modified everything and was pleased at my ability to understand [...]

2007-12-19T08:48:36-05:00By |Life|

The Amazing Human Body – Part I

The physical body and the energy body - both ultimately living in union or "couplehood" as my teacher Christine Schenk calls it.  But a minor procedure can certainly send one (or both!) into an incredible spin. I had a varicose vein procedure on Monday.  I attribute the vein partly to the heredity of my still moving 90 [...]

2007-12-12T10:27:00-05:00By |Life|
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