The Potential of Life Unfolding

At times, I've pushed, cried, manuevered and tried to steer this game called life.  I am grateful for the moments I did push myself personally to grow, but what would it be like to let life unfold? I'm not claiming to throw caution to the wind, but there are a few "tricks" that seem to [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:49-05:00By |Life|

September 12th

The morning of the 11th was again a bit wobbly and weepy for me.  I lit my candle, placed it in front of my picture of the now "famous" 3 firemen raising the flag and said a prayer for a world peace.  It was the first year I had decided to go out and work with [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:49-05:00By |Life|

Back to “School!”

Yikes!  Just came back in yesterday after a relaxing and nourishing time off. Wow!  The fast pace of New York City really caught me by surprise...again.  While I LOVE the thrill of the Big Apple, my time off this year was at a much slower pace with time by the ocean, quality time with my family, laughing with my Yorkie, [...]

2007-09-05T08:07:51-04:00By |Life|

Projects, Goals and Life’s Dreams.

What gets you out of bed in the morning?  Is it the idea of a hot cup of coffee, quiet time with your pet or life dreams? I have been fortunate enough to have found my life's purpose in my work.  After my professional dance career, I never thought I would find anything that would [...]

2007-08-22T06:13:20-04:00By |Life|

Buffet of Movement…

You've got to move your body.  That's the bottom line.  The good news is you do not have to be locked into a painful experience.  With a few weeks left before Labor Day, the "back to school" feeling for me is helping me hit my summer goals. What movement are you currently doing in your [...]

2007-08-15T06:38:02-04:00By |Life|


What does it mean?  Stand on one leg?  Work-life?  Body mind?  We spent last week in upstate New York for the 10th Anuual Women's Wellness Weekend.  Ahhh...balanced.  It was the  combination of amazing food from the garden, outdoor activities including swimming in the pond and the safety and comraderie of a group of women working together [...]

2007-08-09T08:27:29-04:00By |Life|

Summer Goals.

I woke up thinking where has the time gone?  Where have I been?  What have I done?  That's enough to overwhelm any woman enjoying her first cup of coffee for the day!  Ugh!  So what's the panic all about? The last month has been a bit challenging again in terms of personal growth.  I'm not [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:50-05:00By |Life|

Make Lemonade :)

When life hands you lemons, make lemonade! I'm not sure who takes credit for that quote, but I found it amusing over the past week while I was slogging through a number of projects, office repairs and paperwork.  It felt like I couldn't get on top of anything.  Sleep was reduced to a minimum, food was irractic, movement [...]

2007-06-27T06:57:24-04:00By |Life|

Alli? Are you kidding me?!?

We are intelligent women, right? Then please, I nearly beg you to use all of your knowledge and previous health history to steer clear of what is now being released by the FDA as an over the counter diet pill that you do not need a prescription for - Alli is a watered down version [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:50-05:00By |Life|

It’s summer!

OK - summer is here!  Although not officially until later this month, but it seems the heat of August is here for an early visit in New York City! For me, it's time for some new movement opportunities. I recently told about moving out of our physical comfort zone, so I'm trying to walk the talk!  [...]

2007-06-06T08:01:41-04:00By |Life|
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