Life Is Not A Straight Line :)

For over a year now, I have used this blog as a place to share my journey in this life transition.  It's interesting how friends and clients I have known for a long time have expressed concern about the emotions I have written.  I guess I was surprised.  When I look back over the years, for [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:50-05:00By |Life|

Stop running! Really?!?

Stop running....what?!?  I'm the fitness woman who loves motivating and empowering women through movement.  Some clients are now "running" for the bus only to find themselves excited and relieved that they did it and did not drop dead!  So what am I talking about? Life is such an interesting journey.  The physical body can work [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:50-05:00By |Life|

Passion and Motivation

I was stunned on Monday to wake up with little passion or motivation for ANYTHING.  Big surprise to me who is used to being fueled daily by inner drive.  Now what?! While it initially freaked me out, I realized I needed a bit of time for reflection instead of doing.  The season has changed to [...]

2007-05-16T09:19:28-04:00By |Life|

International No Diet Day – May 6, 2007

International No Diet Day is Sunday, May 6th.  It began in 1992 by Mary Evans Young, the director of the British anti-diet campaign Diet Breakers and the author of a best-selling book in Britain titled Diet Breaking: Having It All Without Having To Diet (Hodder & Stoughton, 1995). So what does one do on No Diet [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:50-05:00By |Life|

Can you feel this?!?

It's my belief when it comes to weight management, women are still searching for the "magic pill."  With a $50 billion dollar diet industry, I wonder what is it we are truly looking for?  As women, we have an innate sense of our bodies - our bodies are hardwired for health.  Yet we continually put ourselves down, [...]

2007-05-04T08:28:39-04:00By |Life|

Travel…inside and out.

I love to travel and April was certainly a full month for me! First stop was some personal time to visit my parents in a warm, sunny climate.  Ahh...felt great for the muscles and bones.  Next was to McAlester, Oklahoma to speak at a Wellness Fair.  What an amazing experience to travel this country and meet the [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:50-05:00By |Life|

The home stretch…

Sunday, April 1st will be a mark in time for me.  It has been a year of growth and transition.  It feels wonderful to celebrate this life transition, but there is something sobering about moving ahead...moving beyond the transition. Growth is wonderful, but it is also painful, challenging and a few or more times when I had [...]

2007-03-27T20:39:41-04:00By |Life|

Happy Spring!

Well, we made it!  The first day of spring has finally arrived!  The day offers a sense of hope and renewal for one's health after a long, cold, dark winter. It's also a wonderful time to review your goals and movement opportunities.  Keep those things that are working for you and let go of the [...]

2007-03-21T14:57:47-04:00By |Life|

Time?! Where does it go?

Yikes!  It has been awhile since I've written but I'm still here!  Where does the time go?   It seems easier to fill my life with a full schedule than to create new pathways and breathing patterns.  These days I am constantly reminding myself to breathe and shift.  Shift into the fullness - shift into the [...]

2007-03-07T08:57:34-05:00By |Life|

Happy Valentine’s Day

Amidst the chocolate and media hype of this day lies a wonderful heart in your body.  Your heart does an amazing job keeping things "running" and never has a day off!  It's a muscle that needs to be strengthened with cardio movement, but it also needs to be loved and nurtured by you on a [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:50-05:00By |Life|
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