17 days…

January 17th....where have the days gone?  I started out with great enthusiasm and it's still in me.  I'm just not clear yet how to put all the pieces together! Last Friday was an interesting "benchmark" day for me.  I celebrated my birthday in a way that was both empowering and affirming...one of the moments when I [...]

2007-01-17T10:36:40-05:00By |Life|


Intentions create a deep sense of vibration on a cellular level.  They are anchored in a knowing state versus the external world of expectations.  Much different than a resolution.  Intentions are not driven by fear but instead purity and clarity from the body.  It's that simple... and yet that hard.  And now, 10 days into [...]

2007-01-10T10:13:48-05:00By |Life|

Happy New Year!

Here we go...stepping into the new year.  Are you bringing your whole self forward? As I created my New Years intentions, I had an image of one foot in 2006 and one foot in 2007.  Straddling.  Unsure.  Old stuff still stuck, new stuff trying to come into my life.  What an incredibly heavy feeling!  So, [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:50-05:00By |Life|

‘Tis the season!

With the mild weather here in NYC it's hard to imagine it's Christmas!  It all feels completely different this year, but the transitions are finally nearing integration. There is a little trepidation moving into the New Year.  How long can I be "in transition?"  I wondered a bit last week if I was still "in [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:50-05:00By |Life|

Weight loss?

It has been nearly 9 months since I closed the studio and this morning I am finally beginning to understand how this entire process has manifested in my body.  On September 26th I blogged about a "50 pound emotional weight loss."  Well now, the weight is coming back on and I'm fascinated with the relationship [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:50-05:00By |Life|


Had an amazing holiday with friends and family... loving this weather!  Like an extra boost of energy before settling in for the winter!  Will write more later.  For now, I'm going out to soak up the mild weather :) !

2006-11-28T10:15:53-05:00By |Life|


Thanksgiving.  Breathe...eat.  A wonderful time of the year to enjoy family and friends but the abundance of food can be overwhelming.  So how do you make this year different?  Add a little humor to the day by recognizing all movement as part of your Thanksgiving "workout." Reaching for plates, bowls, pans and dishes for food [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:50-05:00By |Life|

Motion and Emotion

I presented at the Renfrew Foundation Conference last weekend in Philadelphia on "Motion and Emotion" - what happens to the body when movement is introduced.  Karol Ward, LCSW co-presented with me and it was the blending of our practices that we were able to share with 35 therapists in a 3-hour workhsop. There have been [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:50-05:00By |Life|

Two Steps Forward…

Two steps forward, collapse, stand, start again.  This has been my body sensation for the past couple of weeks.  I am amazed at how this transition is still in process as I reshape my personal and professional life.  I'm sure I have gone through transition before, but this time is different.  I am working so [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:50-05:00By |Life|

Fall foliage

We spent the day in Garrison, New York yesterday at the Manitou Art Studio run by Josephine Monter.  It was the first annual Octoberfit - a one-day workshop which included yoga and outdoor activities.  The day's events far exceeded my expectations. It is always amazing and a blessing to me to watch women connect with themselves, [...]

2006-10-16T09:34:18-04:00By |Life|
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