What a difference a state makes…

I just returned from three days in Maine where the state slogan is "the way life should be."  Peaceful, calm, fresh air, fall foliage and ocean all make for a wonderful remedy for the stressed out soul.  The difference is so extreme to me that it takes about two or three days back here in New York to [...]

2006-10-10T09:35:51-04:00By |Life|

In the moment? How about in today?!

"Be in the moment"...so the zen-like mantra goes.  But for many of my clients I realize this can be a huge stretch from the zainy, stressed-out, overly scheduled, too much caffeine, not enough sleep, lifestyle.  So how about "Be in today -  Thursday?" I love this idea!  Here it is Thursday, and I am stuck on [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:50-05:00By |Life|

Fresh Air…

Happy Birthday Alicia!  Alicia is 17 today and spent her first summer with me in 1996.  I had interviewd to participate in the Fresh Air Fund's Friendly Town Program (www.freshair.org), an organization here in New York that connects people with kids that would like to spend time out of the city during summer vacation.  I'll [...]

2006-10-02T23:15:36-04:00By |Life|

Lead with my heart…

What an amazing morning.  As I continue to work with women and help them connect with their bodies, I am struck by the authenticity of their responses.  The way women can instinctively and intuitively connect with the sensations in their bodies is powerful beyond belief.  And while there is that brief moment of "this sounds ridiculous" [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:51-05:00By |Life|

Stuck? Lost? Confused?

As I approach the end of this month, it stands clear in my brain that I closed the studio six months ago.  My body, however, has yet to fully integrate this shift in my life.  I ran a studio in some form for the past 16 years.  Before that, I can't remember the last time I [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:51-05:00By |Life|

Small sizes out!?

A client mentioned yesterday that there is a big fashion show taking place in Spain.  Officials stated that small size models will not be allowed to participate.  They allude to the fact that the smaller sizes are having a negative impact on the young women in Spain.  Are we living in the wrong country?! Stay tuned while [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:51-05:00By |Life|

Time in Transition

I am marking the near completion of a six-month time in transition.  I have made personal and professional decisions that literally set me spinning yet at the same time begged me to sit down and evaluate.  I knew I had made the "right" decisions, the question was how was I going to handle the transition? When things [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:51-05:00By |Life|

5 years…

I'm back in New York ready to embrace the fall season, however it is still a visceral reaction as I light a candle here this morning and pause for the moments of silence at 8:46am and 9:03am.  I bring forward the original front page of the newspaper with the picture of the three firemen raising the [...]

2006-09-11T09:37:32-04:00By |Life|
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