Thanksgiving doesn’t have to slide into January 1st

December 1st and I'm already feeling the speed of the holiday season. I glanced nervously at the calendar five times today and took two calls for holiday gatherings.  My anxiety level rose to a new level after a Thanksgiving weekend of rest, family and no email.  Yikes?!? So what's a woman to do to manage [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:24-05:00By |Life|

Can you really be happy ALL the time?!

I am an upbeat, enthusiastic, 'glass is half full' kind of woman.  I couldn't tell you where it came from, but I will tell you I am doing my best these days to continue to cultivate my happy ALL the time. I don't know if it comes with age or knowledge or both, but now [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:24-05:00By |Life|

Moving Out of Overwhelm

Yep - it happened again.  That feeling where I get so overwhelmed I become paralyzed - I don't know WHERE to begin or even HOW to begin.  Nothing in my day gets accomplished.  I get all caught up in things that have absolutely nothing to do with my health and wellness - and everything to [...]

2014-10-07T06:34:15-04:00By |Life|

When things fall apart…

I am deeply rested. And I confused it with being unmotivated, blue, unsure how to move forward. Being unmotivated doesn't even sound or feel like me. But it has been a very challenging 4+ months - personally and professionally. And I realized that the deep rest was so incredibly unfamiliar, that I mistook it for all things 'wrong' instead of 'peace at last.'

From Gray to Grin!

Relentless. That’s what winter 2014 feels like. Never ending gray skies and snow! How do you move to grin and motivation when the temperatures (Midwest and Northeast at least!) make you keep your winter hat, gloves, scarves, boots and extra layers on? Here are my three suggestions:

2016-12-15T17:19:30-05:00By |Life|

The Vision Has Never Changed

I love teaching plus size women how to lead an active lifestyle by finding the JOY in movement. This is in full alignment with the HAES (R) principle  of 'promoting individually appropriate, enjoyable, life-enhancing physical activity, rather than exercise that is focused on a goal of weight loss.'  This is my passion, my life's work, and the work I [...]

Rochelle Rice’s SLEEP CHALLENGE!

Getting into bed is a HUGE challenge for me. In order to be able to walk my talk, I'm creating a weeklong SLEEP CHALLENGE September 16-23 cosponsored by Essence of Vali. To join, it's as simple as filling out the Rochelle Rice Sleep Challenge Tracker! [PDF]   I recommend that you print a copy to keep by your bed. At the end [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:31-05:00By |Life|

Summer Clearance

No, it's not a sale! I'm here to tell you it's not too late to do your 'spring cleaning!' Have you ever felt stuck in a rut? Tired of the same old, same old? Can't figure out how to move forward? Know thyou're not 30 something anymore but you're also not dead yet? Yeah - that kind of muck. Here are 3 simple steps to clearing space in your home to help you move forward.

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