Stand In Your Truth

Suze Orman - "stand in your truth." Simple yet powerful. Dani Johnson - "be honest with yourself." Easier said than done. Here are some tips to get there: 1) Sit very still for a few moments and take 5 breaths in and out. 2) Notice how your body feels - tired, wired, contracted, stretched, or [...]

2011-11-15T10:58:43-05:00By |Life|

Too Many Sugarplums!? about taking a trip down memory lane.  While my professional dance career was in jazz dance, my body was always being scrutinized.  Jenifer is absolutely beautiful rising above the criticism and being open and honest about her body.  It's the dance that should be celebrated! ;)  I am grateful for the work I do [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:32-05:00By |Life|

Radio on Thanksgiving Eve

Tune in Wednesday November 24th at 6:00 PM E.S.T. for a LIVE interview with Tim and his guest Brian Cohen, Division Governor of Toastmasters along with Rochelle Rice who is an Accredited Speaker of Toastmasters.   Listen and Earn to “The Profit Express” on 88.7 FM WRHUand streaming live on the web at www.wrhu.orgwith your host Tim Healy. [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:32-05:00By |Life|

Salt and Sugar

Ever had one of those nights when you can't get off the sugar, salt, sugar, salt, sugar, salt eating frenzy?!? Well it happened again to me just last week. I was completely caught off guard. I ordered a roast beef sandwich, lettuce, tomato, Swiss and mustard. Turns out the roast beef was incredibly salty. Less [...]

2016-12-15T17:19:33-05:00By |Life|

US Surgeon General comments on Health At Every Size

After 15 years in the size acceptance world, I was stunned when I viewed this video. Is it because she knows that diets don't work? Is it because she understands the self-deprication that comes with cycling in and out of an active lifestyle? Is is because she is a woman?

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