ALL Movement Counts!
ALL movement counts! As you continue to come out from behind your screen and engage in a fuller life once again, take the time to observe how much you ARE moving!
ALL movement counts! As you continue to come out from behind your screen and engage in a fuller life once again, take the time to observe how much you ARE moving!
They say music can touch your heart and soul. When I first heard Krishna Das I was convinced he was speaking/singing directly to me. His tone and vibration resonated deeply within me and I was entranced by his music.
I am deeply rested. And I confused it with being unmotivated, blue, unsure how to move forward. Being unmotivated doesn't even sound or feel like me. But it has been a very challenging 4+ months - personally and professionally. And I realized that the deep rest was so incredibly unfamiliar, that I mistook it for all things 'wrong' instead of 'peace at last.'
I was first introduced to the work of Christine Schenk in 2002. I can honestly say my work with her has changed my life. When people ask me about her training, I can best describe it as learning to live within myself. To recognize, acknowledge and be honest with myself. To learn to live and [...]
Catherine Schuller was a smashing success with her "Best Bra Fitting You've Never Had!" workshop at the Full, Fit and Fabulous event! Says Catherine, "Get fit and try on the bra. The way you know it is really doing its job is to asses the line of projection. Stand facing the mirror with your arms at your [...]
Just for today I will notice my breath. No drama. No chaos. When I think about my breath (a.k.a. mindful about it) I will review the following: Am I holding my breath? Is my breath stuck? Am I panting? When I inhale, does my abdominal rise? When I exhale, does my abdominal soften? Do I feel [...]
My dear friend and colleague, Karol Ward, LCSW, recently released her second book, Worried Sick: Break Free From Chronic Worry to Achieve Mental & Physical Health (Berkley, 2010). I was fortunate to be part of this project and contribute a section on how movement can help reduce the impact of worry.
The Association for Size Diversity and Health (ASDAH) embraces the following Health At Every Size (HAES) principles: 1. Accepting and respecting the diversity of body shapes and sizes. 2. Recognizing that health and well-being are multi-dimensional and that they include physical, social, spiritual, occupational, emotional, and intellectual aspects. 3. Promoting all aspects of health and well-being [...]
I guess I thought winter was over but NYC is blanketed in the white stuff today! In order to keep moving in your active lifestyle, I am recommending Yaktrax, an amazing product that has kept many of our clients on the move in the Big Apple!